Thursday, August 9, 2007

A Womans Duty to Herself

So I made my girlfriend read "The Watchmen" and in return she wanted me to read "The Beauty Myth." It's one of the more difficult reads I have ever read, and not because it uses large words or is terribly deep or anything, it's just that the entire book reads like a pamphlet of some sort and after a few pages I want to throw it and yell "I GET it, your oppressed, I GET it!" So I put it in the bathroom and a read it every time I take a dump, which is JUST enough. Any longer and I start turning pages just to get to the next fucking chapter, hoping that I don't have to skip too much, which is intensely futile as it's a long book with very few chapters and the next chapter is always - ALWAYS a thousand pages away. Despite all that, it's a depressing and sobering book. Sometimes things leap out at me and stick in my head which is a good thing.

For instance, during todays dump a certain numerical figure staggered me. Forty four percent of women at some point in their life are a victim of attempted rape. About 1/3 of those women will be raped while the other 2/3 will escape somehow. Rape. 44 percent. Nearly half of all women. That's madness.

Do You Understand?

It is a womans duty to know how to break skulls. There's a part of me that thinks that a year of martial arts should be mandatory for women living in a city. Mandatory. If they haven't studied a martial art, the government should pay for a years worth of basic self defense training.

The figure of 44% has remained essentially the same for many many years. How fast and how far do you think that figure would drop if all women knew wrist locks, nerve pinches, and how to shrug off a punch? Pretty fucking fast. I think horny fuckers would think twice about raping a woman if it meant a potential broken arm... either that or they would use date rape drugs more often... but probably not even that, because they would be scared of what happens when the girl wakes up and finds out what went on and who did it.

COME ON! It's fucking bullshit. Learning how to defend yourself is one of the most empowering feelings in the world. It's great to walk down the street and see large people who you know earlier you would have been afraid of, but then realizing that just a few days ago you were sparring with someone even bigger and you broke their fucking head. It's fantastic to walk up to your apartment when it's dark out and there's nobody around and to know that if someone were to jump out at you, that kick that you have been practicing for the past few months would cripple them.

Some people say "I'd rather carry around a gun or a knife." You lazy blubbery fuckers. You know when you will get your comeuppance? When you pull your gun and it doesn't work, or it mis/backfires, or you realize you forgot to load it. Losers. You know the worst part about a knife? When it gets taken from you. Then what do you do? What was once an unarmed bully is now a bully with a knife. Rise and Shine. A kick doesn't run out of bullets and nobody will take your hands and feet away from you, which by all rights should have the potential to be used as the deadly weapons they are.

The Coffee.


Anonymous said...

That's why you gotta see Death Wish.

Margot said...

that was really fucking inspiring, actually

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

that's why you don't fuck with new york bitches who don't like you hoochie coochie-ing at you. you'll find a martinezwallace trained krav maga fighter in there who'll put a stiletto to your neck.

what happened to the first comment?